
Find complete chemical information for Iodomethane-d3. Clearsynth offers high purity Iodomethane-d3 for worldwide delivery

Iodomethane-d3, a compound of significant interest in various scientific and industrial applications, stands out as a versatile tool in the field of chemistry. Its unique isotopic composition, featuring deuterium in place of hydrogen, imparts distinct properties that make it invaluable for a range of purposes. In this comprehensive overview, we delve into the diverse applications of Iodomethane-d3, exploring its use in bulk applications, and the utility of lists containing similar chemical names.

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Chemical Properties: Iodomethane-d3

Product Name Iodomethane-d3
CAT No. CS-O-10421
CAS No. 865-50-9
Category Stable Isotope Reagent
Stock IN-Stock
Mol. Wt. 144.96 g/mol
Mol. For. CD₃I
Hazardous This is a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
MSDS View Sample MSDS
Purity Not less than 99%
Industry Pharmaceuticals
Smileys IC([2H])([2H])[2H]
Canonical Smiles CI
Inchl InChI=1S/CH3I/c1-2/h1H3/i1D3
IUPAC trideuterio(iodo)methane
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Iodomethane-d3 ?

Iodomethane-d3, also known as deuterated iodomethane, is a stable isotope-labeled version of the parent API, iodomethane. It is primarily used in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as a solvent and as a standard reference material for the calibration of NMR instruments. Iodomethane-d3 has a CAS number of 865-49-6, a molecular formula of CH3DI, and a molecular weight of 144.99 g/mol. Clearsynth, a leading supplier of high-quality research chemicals, offers iodomethane-d3 as part of its extensive catalog of deuterated solvents and stable isotope-labeled compounds.

How is Iodomethane-d3 used ?

Iodomethane-d3 is primarily used in Pharmaceutical Industry and Drug Discovery.


    • Deuterated Iodomethane
    • Methyl Iodide-d3
    • CD3I
    • Iodomethane, deuterium labeled
    • D3-Iodomethane
    • Methyl-d3 Iodide
    • Iodomethane with three deuterium atoms
    • Iodomethane, D3-labeled
    • Heavy Iodomethane

Related Compounds

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This page contains information about Iodomethane-d3. You can buy Iodomethane-d3 from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality Iodomethane-d3